Higher education in Russia

Higher education in Russia

Rus Lanka Campus

Types of higher education

Bachelor's degree

The basic stage of higher education, lasting 4 years. Prepares specialists in various fields of knowledge.

Specialist's degree

Training programs for obtaining specialized knowledge and skills in a certain field. Duration of study is usually 5-6 years.

Master's degree

Continuing education after a bachelor's degree and specialist's degree. Allows you to deepen your knowledge in the chosen field and allows students to conduct scientific research. Duration of the program is from 2 to 2.5 years.

Postgraduate study

Full-time or part-time study for training scientific personnel. The training program usually lasts 3 years, including the defense of a dissertation.

Doctoral studie

A stage after postgraduate studies, which allows you to apply for the academic degree of Doctor of Science. 

Foundation Course

Optional level of education for foreign students to learn Russian language and prepare for admission in 4 areas: Biomedical, Engineering, Humanities, Economics.

Specialist’s Degree is a level of the higher education for obtaining specialized knowledge and skills in a certain field.

Bachelor’s Degree is the basic stage of higher education, lasting 4 years. Prepares specialists in various fields of knowledge.

Clinical Residency is a PhD program for graduates of medical schools. The main objective of this level is to train specialists for practical work in particular and specific areas of medicine.

Master’s degree is the second level of higher education, which allows you to delve into specialization in a certain professional direction and in some cases, to change it.

PhD is a level of education, the main purpose of which is the training of scientific and pedagogical staff in a certain academic field.

Education in Russia is regulated by state policies and standards. The state provides funding for educational institutions, develops state educational standards, and monitors the quality of education.

Higher education in Russia uses a grading system on a 100-point scale, where:

Excellent: 90-100 points

Good: 75-89 points

Satisfactory: 60-74 points

Unsatisfactory: less than 60 points

Academic year in Russia consists of 2 semesters:
The first semester starts in September
The second one – in February
There are 2 weeks of vacations in January – February and 10 weeks in June – August.

The list of official public holidays:

Rus Lanka Campus

University lectures and their methods

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The "listening" method

This method is based on the transfer of information by the lecturer, and students basically just listen to the lecture and take notes. It is important that the lecturer is clear and precise in his presentation, and the students are active and attentive. As a supplement, you can use slides with key concepts and examples

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The "debate" method

In this method, the lecturer poses a specific problem to students, which they must discuss and give their opinion. Debates can take place in the format of group discussions or public speaking. This method activates student participation and helps them develop analytical and critical thinking skills.

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The "case study" method

This method involves students interacting with the lecturer and with each other. Students can ask questions, participate in discussions, solve problems on the spot and apply the acquired knowledge. This method allows students to actively participate in the learning process and learn the material more deeply.

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The Foundation Course