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Welcome to Rus Lanka
International students have the right to work in the territory of the Russian Federation. According to the Law about the Legal Status of Foreign Citizens in the Russian Federation, foreign students do not need to obtain a work permit. Some companies have restrictions on employment of foreign citizens, but as a rule, the absence of citizenship is not an obstacle for employment.
Your advantage in finding a job can be your knowledge of the Russian language, confirmed by a certificate of passing the international exam to determine the level of Russian language proficiency.
Some universities have the Department for Temporary Student Employment. The staff helps to compile CV and helps you to get a job by applying to the university’s partner enterprises or by searching for an appropriate job place.
The Universities have agreements with big market enterprises like SberBank, Gazprom, Rosneft, Samsung, Huawei and so on.
IT specialists are in high demand in Russia. The IT market demand has increased 300% for last year. IT specialists have an opportunity to employ beginning from the 2nd course. The average salary of IT beginners specialists is about 1500 usd.
Doctors and engineers are in high demand as well. After graduation the student can apply for any job place he wishes. The knowledge of Russian Language is mandatory.
The Universities have Career Center where the students receive the consultation on the question of employment.
The Universities hold Career Days. The partner enterprises participate in it to demonstrate job opportunities and hire specialists.